Everyone in your family can take steps to reduce household waste and make a positive environmental impact. Here are a few tips for implementing change in your household. You can lower costs, use resources wisely, and protect the planet.

Choose Products Without Extra Packaging to Reduce Household Waste

Much of the garbage created in homes is from products purchased at grocery and department stores. Purchasing zucchinis in a styrofoam container covered in plastic wrap is much more wasteful than choosing loose squash and bringing a reusable produce bag. To reduce the amount of trash you produce, buy foods from the bulk bins whenever possible and look for products without plastic packaging.

Store Things Carefully to Reduce Household Waste

Some food waste results from improper storage, leading to mold growth and rot. Use reusable airtight containers to extend the life of pantry goods like pasta, rice, and dried beans. When placing leftovers in the fridge, use glass containers with BPA-free lids and label them with the date. If you aren’t sure how to properly store produce, research the best methods when you get home from the store.

Use a Compost Bin

Organic materials like food scraps, grass clippings, and eggshells can be placed into a compost bin to reduce the amount of material you throw away. Over time, these materials degrade into a nutrient-rich mixture perfect for incorporating into the soil. Use compost like traditional fertilizer. Unlike store-bought fertilizer, compost is free and does not contain harmful chemicals. Plan for the gardening season by starting your compost pile 4-12 months ahead of time.

To Reduce Household Waste, Don’t Purchase Single-Serve Items

While single-serve items are convenient and easy to take on the go, they also contribute to massive amounts of plastic waste. To reduce household waste, purchase bulk instead and divide the food into single servings in reusable bags or containers. Washable snack bags are usable hundreds of times before they show signs of wear, and they often work even better than traditional plastic alternatives.

Buy Furniture and Décor Secondhand

To save money and reduce household waste, purchase furniture, home décor, and other items from a thrift store instead of buying brand new products. Many pieces that no longer fit someone’s design style still have plenty of life. Charity shops and secondhand stores are excellent places to purchase furnishings at a fraction of the cost. When you have pieces that you don’t want anymore, donate these items so other people can use them.

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