You may lose power in your home due to intense storms, ice accumulation, human error, or a car accident. Because you cannot predict when the power will go out, it’s helpful to have a few supplies on hand. Here are some tips to help you prepare for a power outage.
Stock Up on Food and Water
The power may be out for a few minutes or a few days. To be prepared, have plenty of food and water on hand. Plan for a gallon of water per person per day and keep extra on hand for bathing and washing up. Purchase foods and snacks that are non-perishable. Some readily available options include jerky, nuts, dried fruits, peanut butter, canned goods. Store them in a safe place to be ready for an emergency.
Purchase a Generator to Prepare for a Power Outage
Especially if you live in an area where power outages frequently occur, it’s wise to have a backup generator. You can purchase propane or gasoline-powered generators at a local home improvement store. These will provide enough electricity to run your refrigerator and lights when the power is out. If you purchase a generator, keep fuel on hand to power the machine.
Keep Flashlights on Hand
To be prepared for a power outage, keep flashlights and fresh batteries readily available. Have a flashlight for each member of your family and know where they are located. Young children will feel more secure having their own light source. If you need your hands for other tasks, choose headlamps. These are easy to find at camping supply stores and allow you to have your hands free for tending to children or carrying supplies.
Create a Plan to Prepare for a Power Outage
Create an emergency plan for your family. It’s not easy to find your way around the house in the dark. Give someone the task of gathering flashlights for each family member. Choose a room where you can meet to make sure everyone is safe and accounted for.
Have Entertainment Options
Eventually, the cell phone battery may die, and you will be without entertainment. Find a few board games and have a pack of playing cards in your emergency kit. Keeping boredom at bay can be one of the biggest challenges during a power outage. Choosing games that every member of your family can enjoy together will help the time pass.
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